Emiliana Vegas, PhD in Education from Harvard University, joins the Advisory Board of Equilibrium SDC

We want to give a warm welcome to Emiliana Vegas to the Equilibrium SDC Advisory Board! We are sure that with your experience in research, policy analysis, and management abilities, we will continue to strengthen our organization and the quality of our work.
Advisory Board to keep growing ?
As part of the constant professionalization process of our organization, Equilibrium SDC has adopted a best practice most of the highly recognized companies and startups worldwide implement. It has incorporated a strategic organ known as the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is a council of advisers made up of highly experienced professionals and leaders in their field, willing to collaborate strategically with the company. For Equilibrium SDC it is an invaluable opportunity to obtain knowledge that enriches the quality of our work and to position ourselves in the market.
For these reasons, we are proud to have Emiliana Vegas as the first member of our Advisory Board!
¿Who is Emiliana Vegas? ?
Emiliana has a PhD in Education from Harvard University with a specialization in Economics of Education; a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from Duke University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas, Venezuela.
She was head of the Education Division of the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, DC for 7 years, where she led the work of technical assistance and research to support educational systems in Latin America and the Caribbean. Also, for 11 years, she held various positions at the World Bank where she directed lending operations and applied research on regional and global education policy. Most recently, she was Co-Director and Senior Fellow of the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institute.
Currently, she has joined Harvard as a professor and will teach the Global, International and Comparative Education concentration, as well as the master’s program in Educational Analysis and Policy. Her courses will focus on educational policy in Latin America and the economics of education in the developing world.
Emiliana’s work has focused on the development and use of empirical evidence to support educational policy in developing countries; even working directly with governments on educational reforms. She has a particular interest in policies that impact the quality of teacher education, in the role of investment in education, and in strengthening institutional capacity. Due to the context, she has focused her attention on the possible long-term effects of COVID-19 in low-income countries. Emiliana is committed to working to improve educational opportunities for children and youth in Latin America and the developing world.
An organization with a regional and local perspective ?
What motivates Emiliana to collaborate with Equilibrium SDC is being able to enhance the impact of an organization made up of young people and entrepreneurs dedicated to solving social problems. But, especially, what she rescues from our organization is that it was created and is based in Latin America and the Caribbean. In other words, we complement our regional vision with a deeper look at the local level, which enriches the knowledge and scope of our interventions.
As a member of the Equilibrium SDC Advisory Board, we will count on Emiliana to directly advise the Equilibrium SDC board of directors and collaborate in the design of strategies for ongoing consultations. Finally, we want to thank Emiliana again for the trust in Equilibrium SDC’s mission and in the professional skills of our team.
¡Welcome to Equilibrium, Emiliana!